Sunday, 15 January 2012

Great day for Theme 2

Great day for working on theme 2 so have pursuaded two of my girlfriends and there dogs to go walking around there usual spots and let me follow them with my camera.

Goint to take my tripod, 18-55mm and my zoom lens (75-300mm lens) and hopefully get some good images to use for my second theme.  I will be using Shutter priority and RAW images for todays session and checking the weather for today its going to stay dry and crisp with plenty of sun.  In regards to Health & Safety today I will simply be making sure I dont trip over a dog or trip my subjects over with my tripod. 

On a serious note though we will need to ensure the dogs are kept safe as we will be letting all three of them off their leads near a busy road and a park which is used by other dog walkers as I want to capture them playing, running etc.

As well as wearing some walking boots I will be wrapping up in a winter coat.

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