Sunday, 27 November 2011

Week 7 - Photomerge (I love you)

Panaoramic views, this is something I have tried to achieve in the past when making picture books.  As a rule I would take several shots moving the camera slightly each time and then using BLURB software and templates have spent so much time time trying to alighn images, although they have looked ok they were not seemless.

I cannot believe I was not aware of something so simple like photomerge, I have been using photoshop for years and for the life of me did not know this existed.  Thank god I do now as I love taking panoramic shots and capturing whold landscapes.

So with my new found knowledge I have put it to the test in my Mams back garden, the images are not great technically as I wasn't to concerned about camera settings at this time but really just wanted to see the results of the photomerge.  I did this a couple of times and as also used my niece and nephew by getting them move around the garden to 3 different areas to see how this would work in the final merge.

I absolutely love this feature and cannot wait to get back up to the Peak District to try this out using a more planned approach.  Using a tripod, a large aperture and a great view I could get some great panoramic shots to use towards my final set of images for my first theme.

I have also re-visited some of my old images taken before the cousre when on my travels and again this has worked beautifully.  The images below were all taken using a sony A230 in full Auto mode.

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