Saturday, 15 October 2011

Week 3 - Aperature priority

Landscape and Aperature priority was the task this, I decided to go to Tatton Park in Knutsford.  So I took quite a few of the same shots and each time using the tripod amended the F setting from low to high.

Thought I was doing something wrong to start as there didnt seem to be much difference in the outcome, however when comparing the lowest to the highest there is a difference.  Used ISO 100 for all examples.

Eg 1
F5  Shutter 1/15

F25  Shutter 2

Eg 2

F22Shutter 1/25

In the second example it clearly shows the affects of the larger aperature, a brighter picture from the increased light and more detail in the trees in the background.

Eg 3
F3.5Shutter 1/800

F22Shutter 1/15

Eg 4
F32Shutter 1/13

F4Shutter 1/640

So i think I'm starting to get it!!!

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