Tuesday 27 December 2011

Panoramic Views

Im not sure if I will use panoramic views in my final portfolio for theme 1 but after discovering photomerge in CS5 this is one of my favourite functions and is perfect for landscape photography.

I played with this a few weeks ago in my mam's back garden and quickly took the shots I needed, holding the camera oppose to using a tripod.  The final results were great to show my understanding of the function but were not great technically, so whilst at Old Moore I decided to use a tripod and a large F Stop to get a better final image.  I took approx 15 shots for each of the following images and then cropped them onced I had merged them in CS5.

The final images turned out really great capturing not only how amazing the reserve looked as the sun was setting but capturing a lot of detail from using a large F stop (F/16).

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